Thursday, February 25, 2010

Frito Feet

Earlier this week I woke up to a smell...I couldn't quite figure out what the smell was. I thought hmm it's like some kind of snack food. But I don't have snack food in the house. I rolled over and guess who was there. 
Her two front paws in my face.  Ohhhh, Frito Feet - that is what I was smelling!
Hey do you mind....I'm sleeping here. Quit with the flash will ya!

Miss Reese was sleeping on the bed. She usually sleeps on her bed, on my bed, when she is not sleeping in her crate.  However, I think on this night she had slept next to me with her head on the pillow all night.

Sleeping beauty never wants to get up. She is not a morning girl.

"Seriously! You get up and go to work, I'll stay here and guard the bed."

Does your dog have Frito Feet or Popcorn Feet? You know who you are - I want to hear from you!

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