Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Weekend in Review

So this post was supposed to come out Sunday night....but we had a little problem in the blogosphere! So here it is now.

It was a pretty low key weekend. We had a birthday party for my Mom on Friday and went to dinner at a Japanese Steakhouse in town and ate at the Hibachi grill. The first order of the day was.....Sushi of course!
Never had it, still never had it....pretty doubtful that I'll have it in this lifetime!

Making our Fried Rice - yum, yum!

Trying out my HD video on my camera!

Celebrating Japanese style!

Green Tea Ice Cream!

Then back home for some fun and games.

Reese says, "This birthday stuff is soooo boring! Where are all the bones."
It was a fun night. Everyone had a good time, even Reese.

On Saturday I helped my friends Loretta and Andy with their sheep. We tagged the ewes and boys, (not sure what they are called at this age, will have to learn that) that will be going to market and dewormed all the sheep and some got their hooves all trimmed up. 

After we were done I got a special treat and got to see Zip, the dog that got my friend into sheep in the first place, work. I have never seen her work before, but she has won many trials and done very well. So it was fun, looking forward to seeing more of her work in the future.

Then Reese and I had our agility lesson. I wasn't sure how it would go as Reese was keeping herself busy in her crate in the car while we worked on the sheep.  She was a little keyed up at first but not bad, just glad to be out of the crate I think. It was very humid and hot and we were working on her A-frame.  I believe we our up to the full height for USDAA. We did a bit of course work and a few dogwalks and we were done. 

The rest of the weekend was pretty chillin'. Relaxed, napped, read, took some photos of the river, didn't turn out like I wanted so don't look for them here.  So I guess you could say it was a perfect weekend.

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