Welcome to Border Collie Reese and her Two Kitties!
I live in the midwest with my border collie Reese and two cats Bella and Sophia. My dog and I like to have adventures and wanted to share some of them with you. They aren't always that exciting, but when you get to share them with a border collie...well... lets just say border collies like to do everything with excitement and enthusiasm so life itself can be an adventure some days.
Speaking of enthusiasm, there is a little story to how Reese got her name. I was going to get a rough coated male border collie. I had been to Wales and Ireland the summer before which was one reason I decided to get a border collie. I had a list of Irish names from which I was going to pick a name for the little bugger. But...as these things go, when I saw Reese the only little tri-colored girlie in the litter, I just had to have her and her me. So that is how I ended up with my smooth coated girlie. The name Reese is Welsh and her sire was imported from Wales and when I discovered Reese means enthusiastic in Welsh...well that was it. If you have had the chance to meet my girl you know that she is nothing but enthusiastic!
I like sports hence the long walks, runs and hikes Reese and I take. I have run half-marathons, full marathons and many 5K and 10K races.
Our favorite thing, aside from sheep herding, and fetch with the chuck-it is long hikes in the woods on trails around town. We are also training in agility, obedience and rally. This fall we will make our trial debut, exciting but nervous. We are doing it for fun though and will only do it while it is fun. When it becomes work and we don't look forward to training for the next leg of a title then we will quit.
Reese is my dog, my companion, and my friend first and foremost. All the training we do is for fun. She loves to think and learn and it has been amazing watching her grow from a little pup to this wonderful dog.
Check back soon for new adventures to come.